About Us and Our Site

Ok, I have been in the computer business in some form for the last 50 some odd years. I started at Data Processing
School at Spokane Community College and just continued on from there.

As far as websites I have been messing with things like Joomla, Wordpress, and the like. Right now I am exploring a brand new CMS called Grav. It is open source and available for free. While the others have managed pages via a database connection Grav is flatfile based.

I like Bootstrap one page websites, so I am working hard at integrating the Bootstrap framework into a Grav environment. This site is an example of that endeavor. I enjoy the one page website presentation and Grav provides admin, user control, data accumulation - things a database system provides but without the overhead.

Here are a couple of examples of one page Bootstrap sites I have created - simple.

I am experimenting with things. The Flickr interface is some tricks with the API provided by Flickr. Much simpler to access all our photographs.this way than managing galleries.

Keep checking back as we tray new concepts and try to simplify the website world.

For the ham radio things it is hard to keep up with all that is happening. The digital modes are new and fun. This has taken up most of my time. I enjoy Olivia for text and the FT8 and JT4 modes from Joe Taylor K1JT.

I have also spent some time with DMR and D-Star.

Here are a few helpful links for D-Star and DMR:

I use QRZ.COM to log my digital contacts on ham radio. Following is a list of my recent contacts with my modest station setup. 20 watts on a 60 foot wire antenna hanging out of tree attached to the fence. It works!

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